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3D Printers/Sindoh



Sindoh / 3D프린터 / 밀폐형 / PLA / USB 2.0 / SD cardWi-Fi / 최대 15x15x15cm


User Safety and Convenience

  • Closed structure for stabilized temperature,reduced noise and user safety.
    3DWOX is designed with an enclosed structure to maintain consistent temperature for better quality prints. 3DWOX is also designed with user safety in mind. All of the moving parts are inside the enclosed structure for safe operation. The enclosure also reduces noise for a quiet, safe and optimized print experience.
  • Auto Loading Filament
    At Sindoh we believe 3D printing should be simple. On many 3D printers today the process of changing filament is a difficult procedure involving cutting, retrieving, and placing into small openings, all manually performed by the user. This makes the 3D Printing experience difficult, so with 3DWOX we keep it simple, just insert the cartridge and you’re done.
    With 3DWOX it is all done automatically; let 3DWOX do the work for you.


  • Print Monitoring
    3D printing of intricate and large objects can take a lot of time. At Sindoh we believe in making the 3D printing experience easy so we have integrated a camera and LED lighting into 3DWOX for remote monitoring of the printing process day or night. Simply install the 3DWOX mobile app on your phone or tablet to watch the print progress from the convenience of your living room.

  • Assisted Bed Leveling
    One of the keys to printing perfect prints every time is ensuring the print bed is perfectly level. You wouldn’t want your house built on a slanted surface right? The same is true for 3D printing. Bed leveling is important but with 3DWOX we make it simple. The printer does the work and displays clear instruction to set the perfect level. The only thing you have to do is turn. Let 3DWOX guide you.

Wide Selection of Connectivity Options
3DWOX incorporates several options to connect, making printing as easy as possible. Connect directly to a PC using the included USB cable or through your home network using Ethernet or Wi-Fi, to make 3DWOX accessible to all your home computers. If you have a friend who wants to print a file, they can bring it with them on a USB Flash Drive and print using the easy access front USB port.
Your entire family can be connected with options you already know and use all the time, so don’t worry about how to connect, spend less time worrying and enjoy printing more of the things you like



5” Touch Panel with intuitive GUI
3DWOX is equipped with a 5 inch color touch screen panel programmed with an intuitive user interface, swipe scroll and tap your way through to control your printer. The friendly user guides ensure you will not get lost. Another one of the special features is the print preview showing an image of the file being printed as well as a progress monitor during the print.
3DWOX touch screen navigation, simple, convenient, effortless. 




1. Appearance















2. Specifications

Print Technology


Print head

Single Nozzle
Nozzle Diameter 0.4mm
Max Build size (WxDxH) 210 x 200 x 195mm (8”x8”x8“)



Connectivity USB Flash Drive, Ethernet, WiFi, USB Cable
Layer Thickness 0.05 ~ 0.4 mm
Filament Diameter 1.75mm
Size (W×D×H) 421 × 433 × 439mm (16.5”x17”x17”)
User Interface

5” color touch screen

Leveling Auto Leveling Measurement + Manual Adjustment
Auto-loading Cartridge Automatically loads filament to nozzle
LED Lamp

For Internal Lighting

Monitoring Camera

Check print status remotely with laptop or smartphone via WiFi connection

Operating System

Window 7 or above
Mac OSX 10.10 above

Hardware Requirements
(for PC/Mac)

X86 32/64-bit compatible PCs with 4GB+ DRAM (for PC)
X86 64-bit compatible Macs with 4GB+ DRAM (for Mac)


Standard VGA driver on operating system, or a graphics card doesn't support OpenGL 2.0, may cause unknown error in 3DWOX Desktop.





3. Products

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